2020s: 2025 / 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020
2010s: 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010
2000s: 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000
1990s: 1990s
指导和培养的学生:博士后 / 博士 / 硕士 / 悉尼科技大学(UTS)
Chen, B., Zhao, G.*, Tian, Q., Yao, L.J., Wu, G.H., Wang, J., Yu, Q.*, 2024. Climate-driven shifts in suitable areas of Alternaria leaf blotch (Alternaria mali Roberts) on apples: projections and uncertainty analysis in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 364: 110464. Impact Factor: 5.6
Deng, A.N., Xie, W.X., Chen, X.Y., Ran, H., Li, Q., Jiang, P.A., Javed, T., Yu, Q., Feng, H., Yao, N.*, Xu, M.Y.*, 2025. Drought evolution and driving mechanisms in the China-Pakistan economic corridor under a changing environment. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 58: 102263. Impact Factor: 4.7
Guo, L.P., Chen, F.S., Wang, B.*, Liu, D.L.*, Chen, X.L.*, Huang, H.S., Bai, H., Liao, K.T., Xia, Z.M., Xiang, K.Y., Li, L.C., Zheng, T.H., Yu, Q., 2025. Developing a multivariate drought index to assess drought characteristics based on the SWAT-Copula method in the Poyang Lake basin, China. Ecological Indicators, 170: 113123. Impact Factor: 7.0
He, J.Q., Jia, Y.L., Li, Y.*, Biswas, A., Feng, H., Yu, Q., Wu, S.F., Yang, G., Siddique, K.H.M., 2025. Regional-scale precision mapping of cotton suitability using UAV and satellite data in arid environments. Agricultural Water Management, 307: 109215. Impact Factor: 5.9
Jiang, T.C., He, L., Feng, H., He, J.Q.*, Yu, Q.*, 2025. Understanding the impacts of extreme temperature and humidity compounds on winter wheat traits in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 362: 110354. Impact Factor: 5.6.
Li, L.C., He, Q.S., Harrison, M.T., Shi, Y., Feng, P.Y., Wang, B., Zhang, Y.J., Li, Y., Liu, D.L., Yang, G.J., Zhou, M.X., Yu, Q., Liu, K.*, 2025. Knowledge-guided machine learning for improving crop yield projections of waterlogging effects under climate change. Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 19: 100185. Impact Factor: 12.4
Liu, X.W., Bai, Q., Liang, K., Pei, M.T., Chen, J., Zhu, B., Yu, Q., Peng, C.H., Xing, F.*, Guo, L.*, 2025. Altered precipitation affects soil enzyme activity related to nitrogen and phosphorous but not carbon cycling: a meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 377: 124709. Impact Factor: 8.0
Niu, W.H., Luo, L., Shi, Y., Chai, C.Q., Wang, H.Y., Tian, Q., Jin, Y.Y., Kong, X.B., Yu, Q., Ren, L.S., Zhang, B.B.*, 2025. Impacts of “One Household One Plot” and “One Village Group One Plot” fragmentation consolidation models on cultivated land use transition from perspective of human-land system. Habitat International, 156: 103252. Impact Factor: 6.5
Tan, J.J., Zhang, H.W., Yao, N., Yu, Q.*, 2025. One-shot adaptation for cross-domain semantic segmentation in remote sensing images. Pattern Recognition, 162: 111390. Impact Factor: 7.0
Wang, Y.K., Yu, Q., Liu, Z.Q., Ren, W., Lu, X.L.*, 2025. A practical SIF-based crop model for predicting crop yields by quantifying the fraction of open PSII reaction centers (qL). Remote Sensing of Environment, 320: 114658. Impact Factor: 11.1
Xiang, K.Y.,, Wang, B.*, Liu, D.L.*, Chen, C., Ji, F., Yang, Y.M., Li, S.Y., Huang, M.X., Huete, A., Yu, Q., 2025. Soil with high plant available water capacity can mitigate the risk of wheat growth under drought conditions in southeastern Australia. European Journal of Agronomy, 164: 127460. Impact Factor: 4.5
Yao, N., Wei, Y.N., Jiang, K.H., Liu, J., Li, Y.*, Ran, H., Javed, T., Feng, H., Yu, Q., He, J.Q.*, 2025. Nonlinear water stress response functions can improve the performance of the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model under water deficit conditions. Agricultural Water Management, 307: 109235. Impact Factor: 5.9.
Yao, S.J., Wang, B.*, Liu, D.L.*, Li, S.Y., Ruan, H.Y., Yu, Q., 2025. Assessing the impact of climate variability on Australia’s sugarcane yield in 1980–2022. European Journal of Agronomy, 164: 127519. Impact Factor: 4.5
姜朝阳(2003-2006), 论文题目: 农田生态系统界面传输过程的时间序列分析 Zhaoyang Jiang (2003- 2006), Thesis Title: Time Series Analysis of Transport Processes of Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
靳宁(2016-2019), 论文题目: 作物对灌溉活动的响应及灌溉遥感识别研究 Ning Jin (2016-2019), Thesis Title: Response of Crops to Irrigation and Identification of Irrigation Using Remote Sensing Data
耿庆玲(2016-2019), 论文题目: 黄土高原生态系统服务时空变化及对退耕还林的响应 Qingling Geng (2016-2019), Thesis Title: Spatial-temporal Changes of Ecosystem Services and its Response to the Grain for Green Programme on the Loess Plateau of China
张亚捷(2019-2021), 论文题目: 作物种植系统氮素流失的影响因素及研究现状分析 Yajie Zhang (2019-2021), Thesis Title: Identification of influence factors and research status of agricultural nitrogen loss from cropping systems - a global study from 2001-2015
王云菲(2020-2022), 论文题目: 能量-水-碳通量以及日光诱导叶绿素荧光耦合模型的构建与验证 Yunfei Wang (2020-2022), Thesis Title: Construction and validation of an coupled energy-water-carbon fluxes and solar-include chlorophyll fluorescence model
董佳琪(2020-2022), 论文题目: 陆地生态系统总初级生产力时空变化格局 Jiaqi Dong (2020-2022), Thesis Title: Spatio-temporal variations of terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production
张永强(2001-2004), 论文题目: 土壤-植被-大气系统水、热传输机理及区域蒸散模型 Yongqiang Zhang (2001- 2004), Thesis Title: Water and Heat Transfer Mechanics in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum and Regional Evapotranspiration Model
邬定荣(2002-2006), 论文题目: 华北平原气象因子时空变异对作物产量和水分利用的影响 Dingrong Wu (2002-2006), Thesis Title: Effects of spatial and temporal variation of radiation, temperature and rainfall on the yield and evaportranspiration of winter wheat and summer maize in the North China Plain
王靖(2003-2006), 论文题目: 农田生态系统作物生长及水热, CO2传输实验与模拟研究 Jing Wang (2003-2006), Thesis Title: Study on the Experiment and Simulation of Crop Growth and Water, Heat and CO2 Transfer in the Agro-ecosystem
房全孝(2003-2006), 论文题目: 农田生态系统水, 氮行为及其产量和环境效应的试验与模拟 Quanxiao Fang (2003-2006), Thesis Title: Water and Nitrogen Behaviors and Their Effects on Crop Yield and Environment in Agro-ecosystem: Experiments and Modelling
李龙辉(2004-2008), 论文题目: 作物生长与发育的环境约束机制-试验, 模拟与应用 Longhui Li (2004-2008), Thesis Title: Environmental Constraints on Crop Growth and Development: Experiments, Simulation and Applications
陈超(2005-2009), 论文题目: 华北平原作物水分生产力-农田水平衡-气候波动/变化的系统分析 Chao Chen (2005-2009), Thesis Title: Response of Crop Water Productivity and Water Balance to Climate Variability / Change in the North China Plain
肖薇(2006-2009), 论文题目: 用SiLSM研究18O-H2O和18O-CO2交换的控制机制和敏感性 Wei Xiao (2006-2009), Thesis Title: Using a Simple Isotopic Land Surface Model (SiLSM) to Investigate the Controls and Sensitivity of Oxygen Isotopic CO2 and H2O Exchange
潘国艳(2006-2010), 论文题目: 黄淮海平原人工牧草生态系统主要特征研究-以禹城市为例 Guoyan Pan (2006-2010), Thesis Title: Main Ecological Characteristics of the Ecological System Forage Cultivars in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain – A Case Study from Yucheng City
邢洪涛(2006-2011), 论文题目: 农田土壤氧化亚氮排放,土壤厌氧呼吸对水氮动态的响应机制-试验与模拟 Hongtao Xing (2006-2011), Thesis Title: Response of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration and Nitrous Oxide to Soil Moisture and Mineral N Dynamics: Experiments and Modelling
李晓炜(2007-2011), 论文题目: 森林气象火险指数的区域适应性及其概率模型 Xiaowei Li (2007-2011), Thesis Title: Probability Models of Forest Fire Based on Risk Indices in Contrasting Climatic Zones over China
杨晓亚(2008-2012), 论文题目: 气候变化对中国典型地区小麦产量构成和水分利用的影响 Xiaoya Yang (2008-2012), Thesis Title: Effect of Climate Change on Wheat Yield Components and Water Use in Typical Regions of China
赵刚(2009-2013), 论文题目: 管理措施对农田生态系统水, 氮和碳过程的影响-区域尺度上模拟, 分析和评价 Gang Zhao (2009-2013), Thesis Title: Impact of Agriculture Management Practices on Water, Nitrogen and Carbon Processes in Agricultural Systems: Simulation and Evaluation at a Regional Scale
马轩龙(2009-2014), 论文题目: 基于遥感, 气象和通量数据的萨瓦纳植被物候研究 Xuanlong Ma (2009-2014), Thesis Title: Integrating Remote Sensing, Meteorology, and Eddy Flux Data to Study the Savanna Vegetation Phenology
郭利平(2010-2015), 论文题目: 作物叶片光合作用的生化模型评价与参数估计 Liping Guo (2010-2015), Thesis Title: Evaluation on Crop Biochemical Photosynthesis Models and Parameterization Strategies
何亮(2011-2015), 论文题目: 黄土高原冬小麦物候, 产量和水分利用对气候变化和 的响应 Liang He (2011-2015), Thesis Title: Responses of Phenology, Yield and Water Use of Winter Wheat to Climate Change and Variability on the Loess Plateau
庄伟(2012-2016), 论文题目: 北澳稀疏草原水碳通量控制因子分析及其模拟 Wei Zhuang (2012-2016), Thesis Title: Controlling Factor Analysis of Vegetation Water and Carbon Fluxes over Northern Australian Savannas and its Simulation
靳宁(2013-2016), 论文题目: 基于遥感-作物模型融合的黄土高原冬小麦生产力研究 Ning Jin (2013-2016), Thesis Title: Remote Sensing-Crop Model Fusion and Productivity Analysis for Winter Wheat
祖琴(2014-2018), 论文题目: 我国南方地区甘蔗产量差及其限制因素解析 Qin Zu(2014-2018), Thesis Title: The Yield Gaps and Constraint Factors of Sugarcane in Southern China
赵福年(2016-2020), 论文题目: 小麦水分限制的过程与产出约束特征分析 Funian Zhao (2016-2020), Thesis Title: Analysis of water deficit progress and constraint of output for wheat under water regulation
李悦悦(2015-2021), 论文题目: 植被总初级生产力对中国夏季风气候变化的响应特征 Yueyue Li (2015-2021), Thesis Title: The response of gross primary production to the summer monsoon climate change over eastern China
成功(2017-2021), 论文题目: 不同放牧模式对美国大平原地区牧草生长和肉牛生产的影响模拟与优化管理 Gong Cheng(2017-2021), Thesis Title: Simulation and optimization of different grazing management on forage growth and beef cattle production in the Great Plains of the United States
程红岩(2017-2022), 论文题目:旱作农田土壤微生物群落及代谢产物对磷肥管理的响应 Hongyan Cheng (2017-2022), Thesis Title:Response of soil microbial communities and metabolites to phosphorus fertilizer management in dryland farmland
李林超(2019-2023), 论文题目: 气候变化对作物生长和产量影响的模拟及不确定性研究 Linchao Li (2019-2023), Thesis Title: Crop growth and yield predictions and uncertainty analysis under climate change
王亚凯(2019-2023), 论文题目: 多尺度叶绿素荧光与光合干旱胁迫响应机理及作物模型融合方法 Yakai Wang (2019-2023), Thesis Title: Multi-scale chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis response mechanisms to drought stress and integration methods with crop model
施宇(2018-2023), 论文题目: 极端天气事件对粮食生产的影响及其缓解途径—不同经济发展水平国家的案例分析 Yu Shi (2018-2023),Thesis Title: Impact of extreme weather events on food production and their mitigation pathways: case studies from countries with varied economic development levels
杨晶晶(2020-2024), 论文题目: 基于日光诱导叶绿素荧光的全球植被对水碳循环响应研究 Jingjing Yang (2020-2024), Thesis Title: Global vegetation response to water-carbon cycle indicated by solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
李聪聪(2020-2024), 论文题目: 蒸散发和大气边界层高度对植被变化响应研究 Congcong Li (2020-2024), Thesis Title: Study on the response of evapotranspiration and atmospheric boundary layer height to vegetation change
杨彦武(2000-2003), 论文题目: 华北及华东局部主要气候资源要素的时空变异性研究 Yanwu Yang(2000-2003), Thesis Title: Spatial-temporal variability of main climatic resources in North and East China
王兴武(2001-2004), 论文题目: 鲁西北平原作物产量和土壤硝态氮动态研究 Xingwu Wang(2001-2004), Thesis Title: Study on crop yield and soil nitrate nitrogen dynamics in northwest Plain of Shandong Province
弓开元(2017-2020), 论文题目: 青藏高原青稞产量和光温生产潜力对气候变化的响应 Kaiyuan Gong(2017-2020), Thesis Title: Responnses of yield and photo-temperature potential productivity of highland barley to climate change in the Tibetan Plateau
王欢欢(2018-2021), 论文题目: 中国人工造林的地表温度效应及其归因 Huanhuan Wang(2018-2021), Thesis Title: Land surface temperature effect and its attribution analysis of afforestation in China
康晓凤(2019-2022), 论文题目: 气候变化下不同发育模式在东北和华北玉米产区的适用性比较研究 Xiaofeng Kang(2019-2022), Thesis Title: Applicability of phenological models in the main maize planting regions of Northeast and North China Plain under climate change
孙梦华(2019-2022), 论文题目: 供需平衡视角下“粮食-土地利用-水”的时空变化过程、匹配关系及优化调控 Menghua Sun(2019-2022), Thesis Title: The spatio-temporal variation, matching relationship, and regulation of food-land use- water nexus on perspective of supply and demand balance
闫雨杏(2020-2023), 论文题目: 基于日光诱导叶绿素荧光的植被冠层气孔导度模型研究 Yuxing, Yan(2020-2023), Thesis Title: Research on canopy conductance model based on solar-include chlorophyll fluorescence
孙欣琪(2021-2024), 论文题目: 黄河流域主要粮食作物水分供需时空格局与灌溉调节研究 Xinqi Sun(2021-2024), Thesis Title: Spatio-temporal pattern of water supply and demand of major crops in the Yellow River Basin and irrigation regulation study
Xueling Li (2016), Thesis Title: Ecological Compensation and Resource Management.
Bin Wang (2017), Thesis Title: Crop Modelling and Climate Change Adaptation.
Hao Shi (2017), Thesis Title: A Joint Analysis of Gross Primary Production and Evapotranspiration of Australia Using Eddy Covariance, Remote Sensing and Land Surface Modelling Approaches
Qianggaozi Zhu (2018), Thesis Title: Spatial Analysis of Drought Indices and Their Ecological Significance.
Rong Gan (2019), Thesis Title: Plant Physiological and Biophysical Regulations of Ecohydrological Processes in Response to Strong Climate Variability.
Puyu Feng (2019), Thesis Title: Modelling impacts of climate and weather extremes on wheat cropping systems across New South Wales.
Jie He (2019), Thesis Title: Influences of Rainfall Pattern Changes on Vegetation Dynamics of Savanna Ecosystems in Australia under Climate Change.
Jianxiu Shen (2019), Thesis Title: Evaluating the climatic impacts on dryland crop growth using multi-source datasets across Australia
Mingxi Zhang (2021), Thesis Title: Reconstruction of climate at high spatiotemporal resolution based on Big Earth data platform
Hong Zhang (2021), Thesis Title: Individual and coupled effects of future climate and land use scenarios on water balance components in Australia
Lijie Shi (2021), Thesis Title: Climate change impacts on potential evapotranspiration, drought, and runoff in eastern Australia
Song Leng (2021), Thesis Title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of dryland vegetation photosynthesis and greenness hydroclimatic extremes
Jianguo Li (2021), Thesis Title: The transport and accumulation processes of geochemical tracers in environmental compartments
Siyi Li (2024), Thesis Title: Modeling the impacts of compound dry and hot extremes on Australia's wheat
Feng, P.Y., Wang, B., Liu, D.L., Yu, Q., Hu, K.L., 2022. Chapter 8: Coupling Machine Learning with APSIM Model Improves the Evaluation of Climate Extremes Impact on Wheat Yield in Australia. In: 'Modelling Processes and Their Interactions in Cropping Sysatems: Challenges for the 21th Century. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling Series 10.' Eds. Lajpat R. Ahuja, Kurt C. Kersebaum, Ole Wendroth, DOI:10.1002/9780891183853
Eamus, D., Huete, A., Yu, Q., 2016. Vegetation Dynamics: A Synthesis of Plant Ecophysiology, Remote Sensing and Modelling. Cambridge University Press.
Ahuja, L.R., Reddy, V.R., Saseendran, S.A., Yu, Q., 2008. Response of Crops to Limited Water: Understanding and Modeling Water Stress Effects on Plant Growth Processes. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling Series 1. sssa-asa-cssa Publication.
Ahuja, L.R., Saseendran, S.A., Reddy, V.R., Yu, Q., 2008. Chapter 14: Synthesis, actions, and further research to improve response of crop system models to water stress. In: ‘Response of Crops to Limited Water: Understanding and Modeling Water Stress Effects on Plant Growth Processes. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling Series 1.’ Ed: Ahuja, L.R., Reddy, V.R., Saseendran, S.A., Yu, Q. (sssa-asa-cssa Publication)
Yu, Q., Flerchinger, G.N., 2008. Chapter 7: Combining Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) with Photosynthesis Model to Simulate Water and CO2 Fluxes over Wheat Canopy. In: ‘Response of Crops to Limited Water: Understanding and Modeling Water Stress Effects on Plant Growth Processes. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling Series 1.’ Ed: Ahuja, L.R., Reddy, V.R., Saseendran, S.A., Yu, Q. (sssa-asa-cssa Publication)
于强, 王靖. 2019. 农田微气象与作物生理生态模型, In: 高亮之等编,农业模型学,气象出版社